
保持 20 多年的職業生涯,不停頓甚至日新月異,實在 是一個不是每個人都能達到的成就。 但是,Rinaldy Arviano Yunardi 能夠證明,當他把自己的內心和熱情 投入他的作品時,他可以做他想做的任何事情。

他與設計配件的愛情旅程始於與大多數人不同的是,他 通過每天休息時間創造一些東西。 電線和丙烯酸樹脂 成為他在哥哥工作室工作時表達自己創造力的媒介,直 到創造出美麗奪目的皇冠。 對他來說,沒有回頭不成 為他熱衷於成為一個配件設計師的人。 他從來不曾放 棄過他的意念,直到將它們成為值得驕傲的東西。

慢慢但肯定地,他的輝煌的創造力創造出美麗的作品。不僅有頭飾,還有手鐲,項鍊,戒指,頭飾以及其他時 尚配飾,靈感來自於他與印度尼西亞頂級時裝設計師 Sebastian Gunawan 和 Didi Budiardjo 的相識。 今天, 幾乎所有的頂級時裝設計師都在使用他的作品來美化他 們的設計,就像沒有一兩個 Rinaldy Yunardi 的作品好 像少了一些東西似的。

Rinaldy Yunardi 的整體性全力以赴創作精神使得他成為世界上最著名的設計師之一, 他的名字在 2017 年度 世界耐磨博覽會(World of WearableArt™)大獎中榮 獲全球最高榮譽。 如今,他的作品被廣泛承認,可以 被世界各地的許多著名知名人士佩戴。


  • 2017 Rinaldy Yunardi 贏得了新西蘭世界耐磨藝術 (World Of WearableArt™)的最高榮譽獎。
  • 2017 年世界可穿戴藝術節開放類獎第一名
  • 2017 年世界可穿戴藝術節前衛藝術類第一名
  • 2015 年會員設計師 - 亞洲時裝聯合會首飾及配飾
  • 2012 年時裝秀最多模特兒展的 MURI 獎
  • 2004 諾基亞年度最佳配件設計師獎


Rinaldy Yunardi 的創作得到了國際明星知名人士的高度評價,如:郭富城,安君,濱崎步, 白蘭地,卡茜,菲姬,珍妮·杰克孙, 凱蒂·佩里,凱莉·詹娜,瑪麗亜·凱莉,妮琪·米娜,夏奇拉等。



World Flower Council is a non-profit professional flower organization which has been established since 1983. They are determined to make the beauty of flowers a symbol of peace and culture between nations across the world. After more than a decade, Indonesia was again appointed as the Host of WFC SUMMIT 2019. In the event which will be held on 19-22 September 2019 at The Westin Resort Nusa Dua, Bali, Rinaldy A. Yunardi held a fashion show titled KHATULISTIWA as the highlight of the event, in collaboration with 8 Indonesian floral designers, Dina Touwani, Christian Warella, Lim Su Wen, Teres Maria Ineke Turangan, Nasna Kahim, Yohanes Wempi, Nixie Pyrena and Made Putra. Indonesia, which is an archipelago country on the equator, with the diversity of ethnic and cultural features from 34 provinces, inspire Rinaldy A. Yunardi's collection this time.

Suit and Trousers by Agus Lim | Shoes by Thang Shoes | Make Up by LTPRO Professional Make-Up | Photography & Videography by Moreno Photography | Show Director : Djafar S


Indonesia has a wonderful wealth ranging from a diversity of customs, dances, languages ​​to traditional clothing and traditional accessories with variations of jewelry. Through traditional jewelery, there is a deep meaning to record of Indonesian civilization which needs to be preserved together. That is why, Rinaldy A. Yunardi - Fashion Designer Accessories of Indonesian held a Fashion Accessories Exhibition at JFFF Awards as the closing event of JFFF Fashion Festival this year. The show presented 34 collections representing 34 cultural provinces in Indonesia, specifically accessories and 1 collection of Ibu Pertiwi took place on August 21, 2019 at JFFF.

Courtesy by : JFFF2019
Suit and Trousers by Agus Lim | Shoes by Thang Shoes | Make Up Coordinator by Donny Liem | Choreographer by Panca M | Music Arrangement by Renardi Effendi | Violinist by Stairway Music | MC by Daddo Parus dan Iza Beljahja | Videography by Agung Kurniawan dan Moreno Photography | Photo Coordinator by Wenny Sari | Photography by Eric Diavlo, Calvin J, Budiman Khuang


2018 Collection

The present is the equilibrium of the past and the future Embark with me on a journey committed to our nature, a journey towards, the serenity of leaving our planet in equilibrium for the future generations to come

Rinaldy A. Yunardi

Designers : Adrian Gan, Didi Budiardjo, Eddy Betty, Sebastian Gunawan, Susan Budihardjo | Artist : Anto Hoed, Andy Ayunir, Melly Goeslaw, Andien, Krisdayanti, Rossa, Syahrini, Titi DJ | Supported By : Donny Liem, Thang Shoes, LT Pro, Romitex World, Taco, Optik Seis, Moreno Photography, Noote & Netoo, Flair, The Big Organizer, Cindy Florist, The Ritz-Carlton | Show Director : Djafar | Choreographer : Ari Tulang | Media Partner : Bazaar Indonesia