Magnolia Dried Flower
Magnolia Dried Flower

Magnolia Dried Flower

Hand Bouquet & Florist


Hand Bouquet & Florist





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Are you willing to throw away your special hand bouquet flower?

Magnolia Bouquet will help you always remember the Feeling, Love, Memories for you for years to come.

Magnolia Bouquet specializes in the preservation of flowers using dry freezing method that allows you to store your memories for years to come. Flowers will be processed carefully one by one using a special treatment according type of each flower in order to retain their natural shape and color. After treatment process is complete we will continue to drying process steps by eliminating moisture and humidity of flowers. After that we will make the process of refinement that will make flowers will look beautiful as the original and will hold the insect infestation. Last stages dried bouquets will place into a beautiful box to appreciate special moments for years to come. All these process takes maximum 3 (three) months.

We can accept all types of flowers and we will provide pickup additional services in Jakarta area. Especially for outside Jakarta, you can send flowers to our address by express mail delivery, before sending the flowers please contact us for further detail tips and packaging to Jalan Olivia Utama No. 10, Alam Sutera, Tangerang, telp : 0878 8080 7677/ email : The sooner we get the fresh flowers more beautiful the result of your dried flowers.

The dried flowers will last for many years to come depending on the type of flowers, colors and display location. Dried flowers should be kept away from places with high humidity and direct sunlight. Dried flower is a natural botanical and need air to "breathe".



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    Phone: +6287880807677


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