Jumeirah Bali

Jumeirah Bali

Hotel Wedding Venue

Hotel Wedding Venue

about 1 years ago




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Sitting gracefully by the beach in Uluwatu is the spectacular Jumeirah Bali, a water palace testimony to ancient Balinese customs and the deep rooted spirituality, ever present across the island.
Inspired in Hindu Javanese architecture, Jumeirah Bali is an incomparable magical place surrounded by breath taking beauty, where nature offers a stunning performance in its own magnificent way. From luscious green tropical flora, to the vast blue Indian Ocean and the most delicate chiffon pink sunsets one s eyes have ever seen.
A soulful grandstand that sets the path for guests to find their inner balance, reconnect with self and others and be at one with nature; Jumeirah Bali is a sumptuous stage to celebrate the magic of life.

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