Plataran Borobudur Resort & Spa
Hotel Wedding Venue
Hotel Wedding Venue
about 17 days ago
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Surrounded by lush teak forests, Plataran Borobudur Resort & Spa transports guests to another time and place, where days gently unfold against the backdrop of the magnificent Borobudur Temple and the picturesque Menoreh Hills.
Amid this unbelievably beautiful and atmospheric setting, experience the utmost peace and privacy within traditional Javanese villas, spacious havens of supreme comfort with a private pool. Indulge in sublime, soul-soothing spa pampering, and exquisite gastronomy with an unparalleled view of Borobudur Temple at every turn. Walk the long corridor that stretches between Patio restaurant’s Joglo and colonial buildings, and be awed by the feeling that wherever you stand, “Borobudur Follows” – an experience unique to Plataran Borobudur.
Get off the beaten path and discover the real Indonesia with tailored destination activities, enjoyed in the gaze of one of the most awe-inspiring ancient wonders of the world. Mystical, magical, and unforgettable.
Dusun Tanjungan, Borobudur
Whatsapp: 628112631233
Phone: +62293788888
HP: +628112951834
Email: reservation.borobudur@plataran.com