Mario Minardi
Mario Minardi

Mario Minardi

Groom Suit

Groom Suit

about 4 months ago




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Real Wedding

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A pair of shoes speaks for someone’s identity.

Hence, it is very crucial to wear shoes that perfectly fit to your feet.

Difficulty in finding large size of shoes are becoming obstacles in fulfilling needs of Jakarta citizen. Besides that, the different foot size between left and right make people push themselves to wear standard sized of shoes which may give discomfort or even injure their feet.

No exception to the trend, people want to have a different yet impressive looks from others.

Shoe design becomes an important requirement that must be fulfilled by the people of Jakarta.

Mario Minardi – a gentlemen shoe brand that established since 1982 – provides solution for those issues by accommodating bespoke service. With bespoke service, you can choose the desired shoe design, either from Mario Minardi’s collection or your own design. In addition, Infoot 3D Scanner technology from Japan will add your satisfaction for your feet measurement. This technology will measure your feet’s dimension and angle precisely as a reference in making bespoke shoes.

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    By Appointment Only
    Phone: +62 877-7665-8326
    HP: +62 877-7665-8326


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