Serambi Temu
Serambi Temu

Serambi Temu

Wedding Venue & Restaurant


Wedding Venue & Restaurant


about 1 months ago



Every special moment has the right to be a sweet memory. Serambi Temu are here to coat your memories in with serene breeze from lake-side and the royal traditional ambient of our modest Joglo.

Whatever occasion you will have, we are ready to serve you the best with 700 guests capacity. Imagine having your wedding and/or engagement party with outdoor concept.

We also serve private party, family gathering, or even half-day meeting in classical Indonesian surroundings in modest rate. To assure you and your guests’ conveniency, we also provide you choice of indoor and/or outdoor area, Air Conditioner, Wi-Fi connection, and parking lot.

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    Jl. IR H Juanda No.26, Situgintung Ciputat Timur, Cireundeu, Ciputat Timur, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15419
    Phone: 081805021119