Yudistira Ballroom Patra Jasa Office Tower
Yudistira Ballroom Patra Jasa Office Tower
Yudistira Ballroom Patra Jasa Office Tower
Yudistira Ballroom Patra Jasa Office Tower

Yudistira Ballroom Patra Jasa Office Tower

about 4 months ago



Patra Jasa Office Tower is located in a strategic location in jl. Gatot Subroto Jakarta that can be achieved through a variety of directions and close to entertainment or shopping center.The building has 23 floors with a variety of support facilities in order to optimize the company's activities. The total office space is ± 40.000 m2 of the which is primarily Occupied by Pertamina, Government offices and multi-national company. There are several bank branches and ATM Gallery, Restaurant, Clinics, Fitness & Relaxation Centre

    Jl. Gatot Subroto 32-34
    HP: +628569922284