Le Motion Photo
Le Motion Photo

Le Motion Photo

Photographer & Videographer

Photographer & Videographer




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Real Wedding

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A marriage is always a beautiful and memorable moment to every bride and groom as it is a compromising of two soul become one, building a dreams with faith together. In every precious moment of the marriage, Le’ Motion captured it in dramatic, real, fun, and lovable photograph and video-graph to make your best moment unforgettable.

Based in Jakarta – Indonesia, we are providing a professional photography, specialized in wedding photography. Photographers, videographers, editor and stylist – working together in team to create a sacred yet lovely moment. And our mission is to present each couple with hundreds of adorable photos. It is such a best and warm feeling to see the faces of all lovebirds as they look through their album for the first time

Social Media
    Jl. Kemang V No. 6B
    Phone: +62217197417
    HP: +628562103312
    Email: lemotionphoto@gmail.com


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