Fine Souvenir
Souvenir & Gift
Souvenir & Gift
about 9 hours ago
Established since 2002, Fine Souvenir is one of the leading souvenir vendor for memorable moments like Wedding, Engagement , Anniversary, Baby Born etc.
We provide gifts with unique designs, lowest price & wonderful service. We serve orders from all across Indonesia. If you are located in Jakarta & around, feel free to visit our cozy gallery, presenting hundreds of beautiful collections.
Our Gallery open everyday, including most of public holidays. From 10.00 - 19.00. Fine Souvenir Gallery Graha Boulevar Timur ND 1 No. 26 Kelapa Gading Jakarta 14240 (available in google maps "fine souvenir") .
Get your finesouvenir & let's make your special day memorable... :) xoxo, fine souvenir team phone 021-2245 2222
Jl. Boulevar Timur Raya Blok ND1 / 26 Kelapa Gading
Phone: +622145857408
HP: +6289 656 959 757
Email: finesouveniroffice@gmail.com