Sasana Kriya
Wedding Venue & Restaurant
Wedding Venue & Restaurant
about 22 days ago
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Recently build in June 2013, Sasana Kriya is the largest and most prestigious ballroom in East Jakarta, strategically located in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, capable of accommodating 3000 people. The building has unique architectural design with floor space around 2800 square meters coupled with ceiling height of almost 7 meters giving the ballroom an elegant and luxurious atmosphere. The ballroom interior acoustic walls and ceilings provide maximum sound enjoyment. Furthermore our facilities also include 4 make up rooms, 2 VIP rooms and 2 meeting rooms in total. With plethora of catering and decorating partners, ample of parking space, Sasana Kriya is the right venue for your wedding. Let our friendly and experienced staff help make your wedding day perfect, we are looking forward to see you soon.
Jl. Raya Taman Mini
Whatsapp: 6281288256452
Phone: +622129389422
HP: +622129389421
Email: rabin@sasanakriya.id